Friday, October 29, 2010

First Review

Ok, so here I am 2 weeks into my new lifestyle. I refuse to call this a diet, because it's not. It's simply making healthy choices and being smart. I'm starting with a 2,000 calorie diet.
After week 1, I felt really great! I had met all my calorie goals the whole week, had cut out anything fried, carbonated, super sugary, and just plain fatty. I loved the way I was feeling and loved the accountability of I like having to be responsible to someone or something else. I've cleaned out my pantry of anything that I didn't REALLY enjoy that was bad for me. I kept a couple things that I love and that in moderation are ok. As I'm learning to count my calories and see where I get most of my calories from and notice how so much of the stuff I ate before was just wasted calories. Now I check the labels 100 times more than before. It's kind of funny because I used to not even care, but now it's like, hey, this might be good for you but a serving is only 1/2 cup NOT 2 cups like I had been eating. Portion control is and probably always will be where I struggle. I LOVE food, and pasta is a weakness. The fact that I also love to cook doesn't help that either. :)
I was so proud of myself I thought I would reward myself with some raspberry sorbet from cold stone, it was totally worth it! It was 300 Calories for more than 1 1/2 cups and lasted me 2 days.
So Week 1 was a success. Week 2 my dad and I went to Vegas for my birthday. I knew that it was going to be really hard to stick to what I had been doing mostly because I couldn't prepare my own food. BUT that didn't give me an excuse to pick bad food. I packed apples, bananas, granola bars, Quaker oat crisps, and lots of water. I figured I could at least have good snacks. I did pretty good on the first and second day, day 2 I slipped a bit and day three I couldn't resist all the yummy food a buffet in Vegas had to offer. But while I was making a trip to the salad bar I was all of a sudden very aware of people around me. I kept wondering if they were looking at me and thinking I was the stereotypical fat person who goes to buffets ALL the time. In all honesty, I can't remember the last time I went to a buffet before this trip to Vegas. So anyway,  I kept wondering if they were watching me, which only made me want to eat more. I ate tons of food, from enchaladas and rice to pizza and pot roast.
After I was done and we were leaving it hit me, that with my first real temptation, I failed. I gave in to those old horrible habits. I was mad at myself. I'm not sure if subconsciously I thought I should be sick from the food or if it was a genuine reaction from my body not having these toxins in it for so long, but, I got sick. I spent the majority of the remainder of the evening in the bathroom. I was so disappointed in myself that I would do that. BUT  I think that I needed to have that experience. My body had gotten used to having fresh food, not cooked in oil, not greasy, over all healthy food and now it was as if I was poisoning my body. And I didn't like the way that I felt afterward. As a result the next day I was very sluggish and tired. I had very little energy and just felt rather crappy(my old norm).
So my lesson learned is that I will have days that I can't necessarily have complete control over, and I WILL slip up. After all I am human. BUT I don't have to dig the hole deeper AND tomorrow is a new day!
I have been back to my new ways for the past 3 days and I'm feeling SO much better! I resisted sweets and baked goods at a work party and felt so good. I realized that ok, yea I CAN eat that brownie that LOOKS so tasty but is probably more like cardboard OR I could have an extra apple and some vanilla yogurt(which I have always loved) and feel wonderful about my decision! Tough choice. I also tried to figured the amount of calories that that little brownie would cost me out of my day, which meant I would have to leave something out of my plan or go over, either way, I didn't think it was worth it. I have turned down pizza, cookies, cakes, brownies, meatloaf, potato salad, and a few other things, things that I didn't think I would have said no to before.
I have yet to get on a scale or measure anything, I think it is way to soon for any of that, but just knowing that I feel better makes the world of difference in my eyes!

Susie Q*

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