Saturday, October 30, 2010

Off the wagon

Ugh, I'm kinda mad at myself today. My birthday was last week and as tradition goes, my friend took me to Olive Garden for dinner. I went into dinner knowing that I could make a good choice, avoid a dozen bread sticks, and drink water. Well, I failed. I got caught up in all the things I love at Olive garden.
I thought I could just eat one bread stick and a little salad and  take my meal home for tomorrow. So when I say I failed... I failed BIG. Before the evening was over I ate 4 bread sticks, a full bowl of salad, a few bites of the mozzarella appetizer that my friend bought, and then ALL of my spaghetti and Italian sausage and of course had my Tiramisu . Oh and I had a strawberry lemonade. I don't know what happened between my "make healthy choices pep talk" and actually eating the meal, but I know that I am definitely not ready to put myself in that position again. I had almost 2,700 calories just in Dinner, bringing my total for the day to 3,240, that's over 1,200 calories MORE than my daily limit! I didn't get sick this time, but I was more angry that I let myself do it again!
So begins tomorrow. Halloween. It's probably a good thing that candy is no a vice for me, else I could have another problem. I know I'm an emotional eater and this annoyance at myself would usually be a good a trigger for a good ole binge. But I'm determined to call it a night, and go to bed.
Tomorrow will be a good day!



  1. Susie Q -- you've posted some blog posts that are VERY insightful. Congratulations on getting started! Your goal list inspired me -- some of mine are the same, but many are not. I really like that your goals are about really living - not just seeing a number on a scale.
